Fujitsu Fuji

890 kr

5 x LTO Ultrium 5, 1.5 TB / 3 TB, markeret

EAN: 7330381769337    Producentens varenr.: D:CR-LTO5-05L

The Fujifilm LTO Ultrium (Linear Tape Open) tape represents a breakthrough in ultra-high capacity storage. LTO Ultrium is the ultimate high-performance, high-density storage solution for the most demanding environments. With high transfer speeds and enhanced precision recording, less time is spent on backups and archiving, resulting in greater efficiency.


TypeLTO Ultrium
Bånd KassetteUltrium 5
Antal Medier inkluderet5
Kassette EtiketteringMarkeret


Normal kapacitet1.5 TB
Komprimeret kapacitet3 TB

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