Verbatim CD-R Extra Protection

110 kr

The 'mechanical specifications' of Verbatim media are very precise, and data written to it can be read in a wide range of drives. As a result,...

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 43437

The 'mechanical specifications' of Verbatim media are very precise, and data written to it can be read in a wide range of drives. As a result, Verbatim DatalifePlus discs demonstrate a high level of compatibility between drives running at a wide range of speeds.
- Superior resistance to UV irradiation.
- 100 years archival life.
- Lowest error rate against a range of CD writers.
The Extra Protection surface is available in white ink which reduces the risk of data loss and includes an area for content identification.Verbatim CD-R Extra Protection. Type: CD-R, Ukomprimeret kapacitet: 700 MB, CD-skrivehastighed: 52x. Emballagetype: Spindel

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