IBM - Printerpatroner Magenta

1.615 kr

IBM - Særlig høj ydelse - magenta - tonerpatron - Use and Return

EAN: 8834360275714    Producentens varenr.: 39V2432

InfoPrint Solutions Company printing supplies have been engineered specifically to complement InfoPrint Solutions Company's line of workgroup printers. Manufactured with stringent quality control standards, InfoPrint Solutions Company's printing supplies can help you maximize productivity, minimize maintenance and deliver exceptional print quality.

ProduktbeskrivelseIBM - Særlig høj ydelse - magenta - tonerpatron - Use and Return
PatronydelseSærlig høj ydelse
DriftsperiodeOp til 4000 sider
PristypeUse and Return
Kompatibel medColor 1824dn, 1824dw, 1826 MFP

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