Twelve South BookBook bæretaske til notebook

704 kr

Lækkert cover til din Mac

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 12-1231

BookBook is a one-of-a-kind, hardback leather case designed exclusively for MacBook Pro. BookBook brings three levels of security to your prized Mac. First, the hardback cover and spine provide solid protection from the rigors of the road. Second, the vintage book design disguises MacBook for superior security. And third, the stylish case protects you from being like everyone else because BookBook is totally original, just like you.


ProducentTwelve South
ProduktserieTwelve South BookBook


Notebook-kompatibilitet15 tomme
Type taskeBeskyttelsesomslag

Mål og vægt

Ydermål bredde39 cm
Ydermål dybde27.6 cm
Ydermål højde4 cm
Vægt0.629 kg

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