3D Systems Cube 3 - Hvid

493 kr

3D Systems Cube 3 - hvid - ABS-filament

EAN: 4033705391162    Producentens varenr.: 391162

ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is considered the second easiest material to work with when you start 3D printing. The same kid-safe material that Legos are made of, ABS is also a strong and tough engineering polymer commonly used to produce car bumpers. Though durable, considerations must be made when printing larger objects as thermal stress can cause ABS to warp as the part cools.
ABS is suitable for light, rigid, molded products with good shock absorption and wear resistance.

Produktbeskrivelse3D Systems Cube 3 - hvid - ABS-filament
UdskriftsteknikSammensat aflejringsmodellering
Kompatibel med3D Systems Cube 3

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