DeLOCK DVI coupler - kombineret DVI Han Hun

89 kr - 378 kr

DeLOCK DVI coupler

EAN: 4043619651733    Producentens varenr.: DVI-3A

This DVI adapter by Delock enables you to lead the female port of your DVI 29pin devices, 90° rightwards. Thus you can connect your DVI cable without any problem in case the existing DVI female port is difficult to access.

ProduktbeskrivelseDeLOCK DVI coupler
TypeDVI coupler
KabelegenskaberKabeltilslutning med 90 graders vinkel , guldbelagte forbindelser
Konnektor(er)1 x 29-pin kombineret DVI - han
Tilslutning(er) (anden side)1 x 29-pin kombineret DVI - hun

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