Olympus synkronkabel til kamera - USB type A Han kamera-konnektor

553 kr

Olympus synkronkabel til kamera

EAN: 0050332136205    Producentens varenr.: 13592

Olympus offers an assortment of accessories for your Olympus product that can further help you get the results you desire. Whether you're looking for lenses to enhance your camera's picture-taking performance, paper from which to make photo-quality prints of your images, or a reliable cable solution for your camera - Olympus offers a wide range of accessories to choose from.

ProduktbeskrivelseOlympus synkronkabel til kamera
KabelSynkronkabel til kamera
Venstre tilslutning(er)1 x 4-PIN USB type A - han
Højre tilslutning(er)1 x digital kamera-konnektor
Designet forCAMEDIA C-120, C-220Zoom, C-300Zoom

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