BlackBerry Auricolare

162 kr

BlackBerry Auricolare - headset

EAN: 0843163087651    Producentens varenr.: ACC-24529-201

Now you can take notes, read and compose email, look up files and more - without interrupting important calls - thanks to this lightweight and convenient hands-free headset. The excellent sound quality in the earbud ensures clear communication, while the miniature clip keeps the cord out of the way and the microphone properly positioned - so what you say gets heard.

ProduktbeskrivelseBlackBerry Auricolare - headset
ProdukttypeHeadset - kabling
Anbefalet brugMobiltelefon
HovedtelefontypeHeadset - binaural
MikrofonMed kabel
Designet forBlackBerry Z10

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