79 kr

1 Liter Premixed Coolant Formula For Liquid Cooling ready to use

EAN: 3830046999689    Producentens varenr.: 3830046999689

- premix 1000mL
EK-Ekoolant EVO is a brand new ready-to-use coolant, evolved from original EK-Ekoolant.
Designed specifically for computer liquid cooling systems with 3-year shelf life from date of bottling.
EK-Ekoolant EVO is a brand new ready-to-use coolant, evolved from original EK-Ekoolant, designed specifically for computer liquid cooling systems with 3-year shelf life from date of bottling.
Ekoolant is the result of latest vigorous experiments on performance and influence, and contains best components:- High-efficiency non-toxic secondary refrigerant anti-corrosion coolant,- corrosion and scale inhibitors,- biological growth inhibitor.
EK-Ekoolant EVO mixtures are readily biodegradable (90% over ten days) and will not remain in the environment or bio-accumulate.
EK-Ekoolant EVO contains synergistic corrosion inhibitors to protect metals commonly found in computer liquid cooling systems. It has been tested in accordance with BS5117 and found to meet BS6580 corrosion standards for copper, brass, aluminium and stainless steel.
EK-Ekoolant EVO also contains scale and biological inhibitors to help prevent fouling - thus promoting long operational life and high thermal efficiency, providing best value/performance ratio.
It's pureness, proper viscousness and low chemical content makes it an excellent and best suitable coolant for any computer liquid cooling system.
- low electrical conductivity- biological growth inhibition- corrosion protection according to BS5117 and BS6580 standards- high quality concentrated pigments for intense, vivid and saturated colors- compatible with Acrylic, POM Acetal, rubber (NBR, EPDM and Norprene) materials- eco-friendly (90% biodegradable in 10 days)- RoHS compliant- 3-year shelf time after bottling
Compatibility list:
Please check compatibility at EK's
Cooling Configurator
- colour: CLEAR (transparent)- content: 1000 mL
- Rinse the loop to flush out impurities prior to filling it with EK-Ekoolant EVO- Do not mix or top off with any other liquid other than EK-EKoolant EVO- Do not add any biocides to EK-Ekoolant as the product already includes such additives! Failure to do so might result in dye and coolant breakdown.- We recommend replacing the liquids every 12 months for best performance!


ProdukttypeKølevæske til væskekølesystem
Pakke IndholdKølemiddel (1000 ml)


EgenskaberBeskyttelse mod korossion, ikke-giftig
OverensstemmelsesstandarderRoHS, BS 5117, BS 6580

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