MS-Tech LU-188S - kortlæser

111 kr

Kortlæser, alt-i-1, 3.5" ( CF 1, CF II, MS, MS PRO, Microdrive, MMC, SD, MS Duo, MS PRO Duo, miniSD, RS-MMC, MMCmobile, microSD, MMCplus, MMCmicro, SDHC ), USB

EAN: 4039282680040    Producentens varenr.: LU-188

The LU-188S is an all-in-one 3.5" card reader with internal USB connector. It is compatible with all current memory cards and supports SDHC. It is possible to use simultaneously all slots at the same time. Furthermore the card reader is equipped with an USB port to support USB devices.


ProdukttypeKortlæser - intern - alt-i-1
Understøttede hukommelseskortCompactFlash korttype I, CompactFlash korttype II, Memory-stick, Memory Stick PRO, Microdrive, MultiMediaCard, SD hukommelseskort, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, miniSD, RS-MMC, MultiMediaCardmobile, microSD, MultiMediaCardplus, MultiMediaCardmicro, SDHC hukommelseskort
Host InterfaceUSB
Påkrævet bås3.5" intern
Bredde10 cm
Dybde9.5 cm
Højde2.5 cm
Vægt260 g


Påkrævede porte1 x 4-PIN USB type A

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