Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange with AntiSpam & AntiVirus

333 kr

( v. 7.0 ), licens + 1 Year Basic Maintenance, 1 bruger, Symantec Buying Programs : Express, Niveau E ( 250-499 ), Win, 10 punkter

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 4BI2WZF0-BI1EE

Symantec would like to announce the general availability of Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange v7.0. Microsoft Exchange continues to be the leading application used for business communication across email and organizations must protect this environment from email-born threats and the loss of sensitive data. Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange v7.0 fully supports the Microsoft Exchange versions to maximize protection. SYMANTEC BUYING PROGRAMS: EXPRESS Symantec Buying Programs are designed to streamline the purchase of Symantec security and availability software as well as support and maintenance services. Aligned to a variety of business requirements, Symantec Buying Programs offer enterprise customers the ability to earn greater discounts and to effectively track and manage software licenses. The Symantec Express program is designed especially for small to mid-sized companies that need an easy way to purchase small license quantities for use within a single country - without the time-c


KategoriSikkerhedsprogrammer - antispam-software, netværks-antivirus
Bundled support1 Year Basic Maintenance


Licenstype1 bruger
LicensprisfastsættelseVolumen / Niveau E ( 250-499 )
LicensprogramSymantec Buying Programs : Express
Point Værdi10 punkter

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