HP VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus Editio

34.153 kr - 63.364 kr

( v. 4 ), licens + 1 år 24x7 support, 1 processor (op til 12 cores), elektronisk, med HP Insight Control Environment

EAN: 0886111073115    Producentens varenr.: TD454AAE

Leverage the power of virtualization to transform your IT infrastructure into private clouds built on VMware vSphere - enabling IT to increase control through service-level automation. VMware vSphere, the industry's first cloud operating system, dramatically reduces capital and operating costs and maximizes IT efficiency - with the freedom to choose any application, OS, or hardware. VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus includes the full range of vSphere features for transforming datacenters into dramatically simplified cloud computing environments providing the next generation of flexible, reliable IT services.


KategoriHjælpeprogrammer - servervirtualisering
BundtningHP Insight Control Environment
Bundled support1 år 24x7 support


Licenstype1 processor (op til 12 cores)

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