Microsoft Gears of War 2 Classics - Tysk

282 kr

Gears of War 2 Classics - Microsoft Xbox 360

EAN: 0885370230963    Producentens varenr.: C3U-00074

Gears of War 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the 4.7 million-selling blockbuster third-person tactical action game, and one of the most popular Xbox 360 games in history. Gears of War 2 picks up six months after the events of Gears of War, and thrusts you back into a deep and harrowing story of humankind's epic battle for survival against a nightmarish force of underground creatures known as the Locust Horde.
Gears of War 2 is developed by Epic Games exclusively for Xbox 360. Continue the story of Marcus Fenix, a reluctant war hero, as he leads Delta Squad on a series of perilous and adrenaline-pumping missions. Gears of War 2 blends a best-in-class third-person shooter with unsurpassed high-definition visuals, all layered on top of an engaging story of survival, loss, and retribution.

ProduktbeskrivelseGears of War 2 Classics - Microsoft Xbox 360
GenreThird person taktisk shooter
PlatformMicrosoft Xbox 360
ESRB mærkningModen (17+)
PEGI mærkning18

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