Twelve South Bookbook - iPad Mini Black

549 kr - 804 kr

Cover i form af en læderindbundet bog

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 12-1235

BookBook for iPad is a handmade one-of-a-kind, hardback leather case that doubles as a fully adjustable stand. Along with its vintage looks, this case makes iPad feel as if you're holding a real book, and in many ways you are holding a book. BookBook for iPad forms a safe cocoon around your prized iPad. The hardback cover and spine provide impact protection, while the hard protective inner frame offers crush protection. Hand distressed covers mean no two look alike. As a bonus, the unique design of this case disguises iPad for an extra level of stealthy security.


ProducentTwelve South


Type taskeTaske
FarveKlassisk sort
MaterialeÆgte læder

Mål og vægt

Ydermål bredde15.9 cm
Ydermål dybde2.1 cm
Ydermål højde22.1 cm

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