B+W NL 3 - objektiv til nærbilleder

310 kr

B+W NL 3 - objektiv til nærbilleder

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 65-076240

To explore certain domains photographically, to make things become visible in a way and with a richness in details that is almost imperceptible to the bare eyes, can be incredibly exciting. Those who believe that one needs specialized equipment to achieve that should take a closer look at B+W Close-Up Lenses. With these inexpensive accessories that take up hardly any space in the gadget bag, the range of applications, especially of lenses with normal or short telephoto focal lengths, can be expanded dramatically. Compared to extension tubes, close-up lenses can be more desirable, not only because of their lower prices, weights and volumes, but also because of the clearly better image quality that can be achieved at reproduction ratios of up to approximately 1: 2.5.With its +3 diopters, the near-focusing distance of this close-up lens begins at 33cm (13 inches) from the front rim, regardless of the focal length of the main lens. When close-ups have to be taken because of the wide-angle effect of a 35mm lens, the NL 3 close-up lens is ideal for a seamless extension of the normal close-up range up to approximately 1: 5.5.

Produktbeskrivelse:B+W NL 3 - objektiv til n�rbilleder
Objektivsystem:Objektiv til n�rbilleder
Fokal-styrke:+3 kameras�ger(e)

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