Elinchrom BRX 500/500 To Go - strobelyssæt

11.500 kr

Elinchrom BRX 500/500 To Go - strobelyssæt

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: E20758

The BRX basic set fits it to one bag for easy transportation. The set comes with two Portalites, which take advantage of the unique Elinchrom central shaft.

Produktbeskrivelse:Elinchrom BRX 500/500 To Go - strobelyss�t
Max blitzenergi (Joules; Ws):500 Joules
Indgangssp�nding:AC 120 V, AC 230 V
Blitzenergiomr�de:500 - 31 Joule / Fuld til 1/16
F-stop (fuld str�m):64,8 (ISO 100, 1 m, 48� reflektor)
Blitzvarighed (fuld str�m):1/1558 s (t 0.5)

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