Joby GripTight Micro Stand - stativ med ben

274 kr

Joby GripTight Micro Stand - stativ med ben

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: JB01324

Because you bring your phone everywhere and saltshakers don't make good smartphone stands, JOBY created the GripTight Micro Stand - a sleek, ultra-portable smartphone stand that fits almost any phone with any case and fits in your pocket.GripTight Micro Stand lets you take a mini entertainment system wherever you go. Watch Netflix sitting back in your chair instead of hunched over your screen. Facetime or Skype at your desk without your arm aching. Stop craning your neck to check out the cover art on Spotify.You shouldn't have to choose between your case and your accessories. Your smartphone tripod should work with both. GripTight Micro doesn't get in the way of your phone lens or snazzy case, and it still keeps your phone safe and secure when in use.

Produktbeskrivelse:Joby GripTight Micro Stand - stativ med ben
Produkttype:Stativ med ben
Dimensioner (B x D x H):2.8 cm x 1.8 cm x 9.46 cm
V�gt:44 g
Hovedtype for stativ med ben:Bold

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