Rollei Diving Hand Strap - håndledsmontering

173 kr

Rollei Diving Hand Strap - støttesystem - håndledsmontering

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 20570

By using this accessory you can mount the camera to the back of your hand which enables you to do quiet movements under water, at land and in the air. Furthermore it secures the camera against loss.

Produktbeskrivelse:Rollei Diving Hand Strap - st�ttesystem - h�ndledsmontering
Produkttype:St�ttesystem - h�ndledsmontering
Designet for:Rollei Bullet 3S, Bullet 4S, Bullet 5S; ActionCam 5S, 5S WiFi, S-50 WiFi Nitro Circus, S-50 WiFi Ski, S-50 WiFi Standard

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