Rollei Zinc U-Mount - U-bolt montering

413 kr

Rollei Zinc U-Mount - støttesystem - U-bolt montering

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 20582

With this mount you can attach your Camera to bicycle, mountain bike or motorbike professionally and safely. The Ball Head allows for 360° rotation so you can take your driving pleasure from every perspective.

Produktbeskrivelse:Rollei Zinc U-Mount - st�ttesystem - U-bolt montering
Produkttype:St�ttesystem - U-bolt montering
Hovedtype for stativ med ben:Bold
Designet for:Rollei Bullet 3S, Bullet 4S, Bullet 5S; ActionCam 5S, 5S WiFi, S-50 WiFi Nitro Circus, S-50 WiFi Ski, S-50 WiFi Standard

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