Walimex Close-up Macro Lens Set - objektiv-kit til nærbilleder

192 kr

Walimex Close-up Macro Lens Set - objektiv-kit til nærbilleder

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 17859

The macro lens set by Walimex is very well-suited for macro photography. Especially photographers of insects, flowers, and blossoms, but also numismatists will be happy with it. Like a filter, the macro lens is mounted on your lens, so all camera functions remain. The lenses function like a magnifier and correct the shooting distance. Of course lenses can also be combined.The close-up macro lens set has brilliant optical characteristics. The high-quality glass lenses are inserted in precisely manufactured metal frames. They are transported in a compact protective case, which fits into any camera bag and protects the lenses from dust, dirt, and scratches.

Produktbeskrivelse:Walimex Close-up Macro Lens Set - objektiv-kit til n�rbilleder
Objektivsystem:Objektiv-kit til n�rbilleder
Antal af linser inkluderet:4
Fokal-styrke:+1, +2, +4, +10 kameras�ger(e)

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