Walimex ND8 - 82 mm

190 kr

Walimex ND8 - filter - gråfilter - 82 mm

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 18883

The ND filter by Walimex ensures an even dim-out of the picture. It reduces the amount of light and by doing that also extends the shutter speed by 3 f-stops. The filter makes longer exposure times possible, giving you a wiping or flowing effect in long exposure shots. With it, e.g., flowing water looks very soft or like flowing fog. The ND filter has great optical characteristics. The high-quality lens is inserted in a precisely manufactured metal frame. The filter comes with an additional inside thread which allows you to use additional filters. It is transported in a protective case.

Produktbeskrivelse:Walimex ND8 - filter - gr�filter - 82 mm
Filtertype:Filter - gr�filter 8x
Model:Rund - 82 mm - Smal
Beregnet til:Kamera, camcorder / farvefilm, sort/hvid-film

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