Walimex Slim MC - 55 mm

95 kr

Walimex Slim MC - filter - UV - 55 mm

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 17842

The slim MC UV filter by walimex is a filter that is perfectly suited for landscape photography. It blocks ultra violet light and reduces chromatic aberrations which would lead to haziness. The UV filter prevents a hazy visibility which makes it irreplaceable especially for photography in high-altitude mountains. When using this UV filter, post-processing work is cut down extensively.The UV filter has brilliant optical characteristics. The high-quality glass lens is inserted in a precisely manufactured metal frame. The filter comes with an additional inside thread which allows you to use additional filters. It is extremely slim, lightweight, and compact. It is stored in a protective case, which protects the filter from harmful UV rays and that way extends its lifetime considerably.

Produktbeskrivelse:Walimex Slim MC - filter - UV - 55 mm
Filtertype:Filter - UV
Model:Rund - 55 mm - Smal
Beregnet til:Kamera, camcorder / farvefilm, sort/hvid-film

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