Alpine SXE-1725S - til bil

263 kr

Alpine SXE-1725S - højttaler - til bil

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: SXE-1725S

Alpine Electronics is the industry-leading manufacturer of high performance mobile electronics. Alpine strives to answer the demands of consumers for high-quality, competitively priced products. The company utilizes leading edge, digital technology in pursuit of excellence in sound reproduction. With the vision of combining music, visual images and information, Alpine's systems exceed concept expectations for a new kind of driving experience for the next century.

Produktbeskrivelse:Alpine SXE-1725S - h�jttaler - til bil
Produkttype:H�jttaler - bil
H�jttalertype:Koaksial - 2-vejs - passiv
Nominel ydelsesstr�m:40 Watt
Maks. udgangseffekt:220 Watt
Frekvensrespons:60 - 20000 Hz
H�jttalersystemdetaljer:Bilh�jttaler - 6.5" - 40 Watt - 60 - 20000 Hz

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