JAMO A 3CEN.5 - centerkanal-højttaler

299 kr

JAMO A 3CEN.5 - centerkanal-højttaler

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: A3CEN.5

A 3CEN.5 shares the unique design 'curve' featured on the Jamo DVD receiver and the plasma screen. Together - these audio and video products make up the complete 2F solutions. In addition to that, the new A 3CEN.5 speakers are an attractive complement to any flatscreen display, whether mounted on their stands or on the wall. Removing the front grilles gives the speakers a modern contemporary look; left on, the speakers become classically discreet.Despite the small size of the A 3CEN.5 it features a two-way system - two woofers and a tweeter - that reproduces the mid- and upper range frequencies with full fidelity. The result is a very natural sounding vocal quality - which is essential as the centre speaker reproduces the dialogue in a movie.Due to the ingenious bracket the speaker can be mounted on a wall or the bracket can be used as a stand if the speaker is placed on a shelf or on top of TV. The bracket can also tilt the speaker up or downwards so it can be aimed towards the listening position, whether the speaker is placed on top of or below the screen.

Produktbeskrivelse:JAMO A 3CEN.5 - centerkanal-h�jttaler
Dimensioner (B x D x H):41.2 cm x 5.4 cm x 10.4 cm
V�gt:0.8 kg
H�jttalertype:2-vejs - passiv
Nominel (RMS) udgangseffekt:80 Watt
Maks. udgangseffekt:120 Watt
Frequency Response:100 - 20000 Hz
Nominel impedans:8 Ohm
H�jttalersystemdetaljer:H�jttaler for midterkanal - 80 Ah - 100 - 20000 Hz - 8 Ohm

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