Plantronics MDA200 Headset Communications Hub - switch til håndset/computer/headset

889 kr

Plantronics MDA200 Headset Communications Hub - switch til håndset/computer/headset

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 83757-02

Designed to solve the communications challenges of businesses migrating to unified communications, the MDA200 Headset Communications Hub lets you manage PC voice and multi-media, while maintaining connectivity to your desk phone. Get the most from your desk phone. Make the most of your PC. Even take calls on the mobile when used with a Plantronics Bluetooth USB headset. The MDA200 is plug-and-play and compatible with all major UC applications. No need for extra headsets or firmware headaches. It is rapid-to-deploy for flexible workplaces, hotels, tele-workers, call centers and more. The MDA200 is the simple, seamless way to transition to UC for the enterprise that just can't sit still.

Produktbeskrivelse:Plantronics MDA200 Headset Communications Hub - switch til h�ndset/computer/headset
Produkttype:Switch til h�ndset/computer/headset
Beregnet til:Hovedtelefoner
Producentgaranti:1-�rs garanti

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