Braun Multiquick 5 J 500 - højglansplastik/rustfrit stål

933 kr

Braun Multiquick 5 J 500 - saftpresser - højglansplastik/rustfrit stål

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: J 500

Made out of high gloss plastic body with stainless steel accents, this juicer is a robust yet elegant and compact appliance. Every line, every detail has been thought through carefully to combine form and function, beauty and performance. The spout, drip stopper, pulp container and 'pusher' integrate themselves perfectly in the overall design creating a seamless unity.And as Braun is about both form and function, going beyond just design every part has been created with end performance in mind.

Produktbeskrivelse:Braun Multiquick 5 J 500 - saftpresser - h�jglansplastik/rustfrit st�l
Hastighedsindstillinger:2 forudindstillinger
Farve:H�jglansplastik/rustfrit st�l
Belastningsevne:900 W

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