Beko DCU 7330 tørremaskine - fritstående

2.919 kr

Beko DCU 7330 tørremaskine - frontbetjening - fritstående

EAN: 8690842350825    Producentens varenr.: DCU 7330

The FlexySense sensors allow you to choose the desired dryness level and save you from trying to guess the drying time. Dryer stops automatically when it detects that the required dryness level has been achieved. All Beko clothes dryers operate with a reverse drum action, which provides homogeneous drying and prevents creasing of your laundry.In Beko dryers, the anti-crease function automatically follows the drying cycle. This function provides ready-to-go laundry, since the gentle drum action separates the laundry and ensures that it remains wrinkle-free. Beko knows your time is precious and the importance of quick results when you are in a hurry.

Produktbeskrivelse:Beko DCU 7330 t�rremaskine - frontbetjening - fritst�ende
Produkttype:T�rremaskine - frontbetjening - Elektrisk
Energiklasse:Klasse B
Energiforbrug pr. �r:504 kWt
Maksimal st�jniveau:65 dB
Model:Fritst�ende ( Ja )
Tromle kapacitet:102 liter
Maksimal t�rrekapacitet:7 kg
Antal programmer:16
Energiforbrug pr. cyklus:3.92 kWt
Dimensioner (B x D x H):60 cm x 53 cm x 85 cm

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