Canon LS-270H

155 kr

Canon LS-270H - lommeregner

EAN: 4960999652153    Producentens varenr.: 5932A016

The LS-270H was designed with the general user in mind. Portable and compact, this calculator will go everywhere with you. It is big enough to use and small enough to fit in the palm of a hand.

ProduktbeskrivelseCanon LS-270H - lommeregner
ProdukttypeLommeregner - LCD - 8 cifre
Basale funktionerSkilteskift, addition, subtraktion, multiplikation, division
Finansielle funktionerAvancetillæg
StrømkildeSolpanel, batteri
FunktionerAuto strøm fra, nøgle-rollover

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