Casio Fx-82 Solar![]() |
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Casio Fx-82 Solar![]() |
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1-line LC-display
10 + 2 characters
Trigonometric functions
Percentage calculation
Automatic fraction calculation
Statistical calculations
Conversion according to DEG, RAD, GRAD
"Go back" key
Pure solar cell operation
Solar-powered, carries the "Blue Angel" symbol
With a hard case
Independent memory
SCI/FIX/ENG function
18 levels of parentheses
Converts between polar coordinates and rectangular coordinates
Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions
Calculates in gradian, degree and radian measure
Converts between sexagesimal and decimal
Random number generato
Produktbeskrivelse | Casio FX-82 SOLAR - videnskabelig regnemaskine |
Produkttype | Videnskabelig regnemaskine - LCD - 10 cifre + 2 eksponenter |
Basale funktioner | Procent, addition, subtraktion, multiplikation, division |
Videnskabelige funktioner | Tilfældigt tal, trigonometri, gradian, radian, grad, brøk, statistik, hyperbolsk, sexagesimal fra til decimal, invers hyperbolsk |
Strømkilde | Solpanel |
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