Casio Fx-85Ms![]() |
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Casio Fx-85Ms![]() |
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Large cursor key for scrolling, recalling and editing calculations
Clear display that includes a thousand separator, exponential display as a x10 symbol, the top line in a larger font size etc
Very convenient menu operation for statistical calculations
SCI/FIX/ENG function
Calculates percentages
24 levels of brackets
Trigonometric functions
Converts between polar coordinates and rectangular coordinates
Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions
Calculates in gradian, degree and radian measure
Converts between sexagesimal and decimal
Calculates with fractions
Random number generator
Two-dimensional statistics that calculates the average value, the estimated value and the total
Permutation, combinational logic
Calculates 6 different regression types and the coefficients A, B
Produktbeskrivelse | Casio FX-85MS - videnskabelig regnemaskine |
Produkttype | Videnskabelig regnemaskine - LCD - 10 cifre + 2 eksponenter |
Basale funktioner | Procent, addition, subtraktion, multiplikation, division |
Videnskabelige funktioner | Kvadratrod, tilfældigt tal, trigonometri, gradian, radian, grad, permutation, kombination, brøk, statistik, hyperbolsk, logaritme, eksponent, sexagesimal fra til decimal, invers hyperbolsk, parentes (24 niveauer), logaritmisk tilbagegang, eksponentiel tilbagegang, invers tilbagegang |
Skærm | 2 linier |
Strømkilde | Solpanel, batteri |
Funktioner | Uafhængig hukommelse, Visually Perfect Algebraic Method (VPAM) inputmodus, 8 hukommelsesregistre |
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