Casio SL-1000TW-BK - Krystalsandsort

116 kr - 199 kr

Casio SL-1000TW-BK - lommeregner

EAN: 4971850901969    Producentens varenr.: CASIOSL1000B

This Calculator features larger display makes more data easier to read and solar powered when light is sufficient, battery powered when light is insufficient.
Automatic calculation of price plus tax, price less tax, discount, selling price, tax amount, discount amount, and margin amount.

ProduktbeskrivelseCasio SL-1000TW-BK - lommeregner
ProdukttypeLommeregner - LCD - 10 cifre
Basale funktionerProcent, skilteskift, tilbage, tidskalkulation, addition, subtraktion, multiplikation, division
Videnskabelige funktionerAfrundingsknap, kvadratrod
Finansielle funktionerProfitmargen, skatteberedning
3-decimals tegnsætningJa
StrømkildeSolpanel, batteri
FunktionerAuto strøm fra, uafhængig hukommelse

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