Braun ThermoScan PRT1000 - hvid/grøn

155 kr

Braun ThermoScan PRT1000 - termometer - hvid/grøn

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: PRT1000

Flexible tip makes the thermometer extra gentle. The thermometer is waterproof and operates without mercury for increased safety. Braun's high speed thermometer is perfectly adapted to the ergonomics of your hand and the anti-slip grip assures a secure hold.With a large display, temperature reading proves to be easy and comfortable. A beep indicates that the measurement process is completed. To easily monitor the development of the measured temperature, the last reading is automatically stored.

Produktbeskrivelse:Braun ThermoScan PRT1000 - termometer - hvid/gr�n
Produkttype:Termometer - tr�dl�s

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