GP Portable PowerBank GL343 - Li-pol

273 kr

GP Portable PowerBank GL343 - ekstern batteripakke - Li-pol

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: 405032

With 4000 mAh, this battery pack is very powerful and can charge your smartphone more than once. Powered by advanced Lithium technology, GL343 is capable of charging high energy demanding products like gaming devices, MP3 players, smartphones etc. By using a 4-stage LED indicator system, you can always check the power status and it is compact enough to carry everywhere.

Produktbeskrivelse:GP Portable PowerBank GL343 - ekstern batteripakke - Li-pol
Produkttype:Ekstern batteripakke
Dimensioner (B x D x H):6.6 cm x 10.9 cm x 1.1 cm
V�gt:108 g
N�dvendig sp�nding:5 V
Forsynet sp�nding:5 V
Batteri:Litium-polymer - 4000 mAh

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