Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER Pro Kit - rensepakke

347 kr

Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER Pro Kit - rensepakke

EAN: -    Producentens varenr.: SGK

Small dust 'specks' waste time and money. These minute particles are difficult to safely remove from sensitive surfaces. Kinetronics has developed a handy new tool specifically designed to facilitate the removal of these specks. The SpeckGRABBER Pro has a comfortable rubberized handle that enhances control and use.At the business end is Kinetronics' special material. With just a gentle touch, small particles are captured by the surface of this amazing material.The SpeckGRABBER Pro Kit includes a SpeckGRABBER Pro Handle with three SpeckGRABBER Tips, Precision Cleaning Solution and an anti-static Tiger Cloth.

Produktbeskrivelse:Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER Pro Kit - rensepakke
Beregnet til:Mobiltelefon
Pakkeindhold:Reng�ringsv�ske, pudseklud, opbevarings�ske, partikelreng�ringsv�rkt�j

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